
Parameters are variables defined by the user in the Start Node, which may then be referenced throughout the flowchart in the Procedures. As such, the name of parameters are reserved words that cannot be used to define any other values in a working node.

Most of the parameters will be shown and editable in the dashboard.


Figure: Constant

This parameter will not be shown in the Dashboard and is only editable in the Start node. It can be defined by the following data types:

Example of a Constant parameter in the Start Node
Figure: Example of a Constant parameter in the Start Node

Simple Input

Simple Input
Figure: Simple Input

This parameter is shown and editable in the Dashboard. It can be defined by the following data types:

  • Strings, e.g. ‘hello’
  • Numbers, e.g. 1
  • Lists, e.g. [1, 2, 3]
  • Mathematics expressions, e.g. 10*2
  • Entities, e.g. polygons
Example of a Simple Input in the Start Node
Figure: Example of a Simple Input in the Start Node
Example of a Simple Input displayed in the Dashboard
Figure: Example of a Simple Input displayed in the Dashboard


Figure: Slider

This parameter is shown and editable in the Dashboard. It can be defined by a range of numerical values.

  • Step - Increments for the slider
  • Min - Minimum value for slider range
  • Max - Maximum value for slider range
Example of a Slider in Start Node
Figure: Example of a Slider in Start Node
Example of a Slider displayed in the Dashboard
Figure: Example of a Slider displayed in the Dashboard


Figure: Checkbox

This parameter is shown and editable in the dashboard. It returns ‘true’ when the box is checked, and returns ‘false’ when the box is unchecked.

Example of a Checkbox in Start node
Figure: Example of a Checkbox in Start node
Example of a Checkbox displayed in Dashboard
Figure: Example of a Checkbox displayed in Dashboard
Figure: Dropdown

This parameter is shown and editable in the dashboard. It can be defined by the following data types:

  • Strings, e.g. ‘hello’
  • Numbers, e.g. 1
  • Lists, e.g. [1, 2, 3], [‘blue’, ‘purple’, ‘orange’]
  • Mathematics expressions, e.g. 10*2
  • Entities, e.g. polygons
Example of a Dropdown in Start Node
Figure: Example of a Dropdown in Start Node
Example of a Dropdown displayed in the Dashboard
Figure: Example of a Dropdown displayed in the Dashboard


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