
Name Symbol Description Example Note
Quotation Mark '' Denote that what is contained in a string Both single quotation marks and double quotation marks are accepted: however, do not mix them, i.e "hello".
Parenthesis [] Denote lists and indexing of lists In the last example, information acquired will fulfil the conditions of being round/angular and grey/brown.

However, without (), it would mean the information must fulfil one of the three conditions: be round, or be both grey & angular, or be brown
() Sequence and group elements in inline functions, mathematical and logical operations

Comparison Operators == Equal in value

If `x=1`, `y=‘1’`, `x==y` is true as they are equal in value; `x===y` is not true as they are not equal in type: x is a number while y is a string.
=== Equal in value and type
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
> More than
>= More than or equal to
!= Not equal to
Logical Operators && And In the absence of parenthesis, ! takes higher precedence over && and && takes higher precedence over ||.
|| Or
! Not
Mathematical Operators +

% Modulus (remainder after division)
Underscore _ Space
At Sign @ Attribute
#@ Query.Get Symbol
Line Break '\n' Line Break

results matching ""

    No results matching ""