Reserved Attributes

There are some entities attributes and global attributes that are reserved to perform certain program functions. These reserved attributes will not be listed in the Attribute Table and they cannot be referenced.

Attribute Use Example
polygon@material To use the render functions, the polygons has to access the attribute name “material” with a user-defined a string value. polygon@material
vertices@rgb To colour an entity, we have to query.Get its vertices, then access the attribute name rgb` with a list of coordinates. vertices@rgb
position@xyz To obtain the coordinates of a position, we can simply access the attribute name xyz. position@xyz
entity@id To obtain the id of an entity, we can simply access the attribute name id. entity@id
@hud Acronym for 'heads up display'. A global attribute that allows the display string of texts and/or the returns of codes in the 3D viewer @hud

For more Attributes related functions, see Attribute Functions

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