
A value refers to a data that can be manipulated by the Mobius program. It can be a string, a number, a boolean or an expression.


A string is a finite sequence of characters, which includes letters, numerals, symbols and spaces.

In Mobius, strings have to be contained within quotation marks, “” or ‘’. Both single quotation marks and double quotation marks are accepted; however, the two should not be mixed, i.e. “hello’.

Examples of strings:

  • “Apple”
  • “12345”
  • “I ate 3 apples & oranges!”

Do note that numerals in strings, e.g. “12345”, no longer function as numbers, but as texts. Hence, performing comparison and mathematical operation on them may induce errors.


Boolean is a data type that has one of two possible values, true or false. Boolean is usually used with conditional statements to produce returns that vary depending on the boolean value.

Example of a boolean parameter value being used with the If statement
Boolean used with If function
Figure: Boolean used with If function

If no_cover is true, ex[4], the top polygon of the extrusion, will be deleted; if no_cover is false, the procedures in the If statement will not be executed

When the boolean value is set to true in the Dashboard
Figure: When the boolean value is set to true in the Dashboard
When the boolean value is set to false in the Dashboard
Figure: When the boolean value is set to false in the Dashboard

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