Below is a table of Inline feature categories that are available in Mobius. The description for each individual function can be found in the Tooltip.
Categories | Description |
Globals | Parameters can be found here. |
Expressions | Some of the common query and sort expressions are stored here. |
Functions | Inline functions. |
Inline Functions
Unlike the regular functions in Mobius, Inline functions do not create Procedure Lines on their own when used. Instead, they are to be embedded within variable input boxes as expressions.
Category | Description |
Constants | Constants such as the value of PI and plane properties. |
Random | Random generator and picker. |
Lists | An extensive list of list related operations. |
Conversion | Performs conversion. |
Vectors | Acquires and performs vectorial operations. |
Colour | Colour picker. |
Arithmetic | Standard mathematical operations. |
Statistics | Performs statistical operations on lists. |
Trigonometry | Mathematical operations related to trigonometry. |
The Random functions help to randomly pick either a number, an integer or a list of items from a list of numbers. This function helps in producing an endless iterations upon execution.
Examples: randomised colour scheme, randomised size, randomised extrusions
Below is a list of notable functions in this category. Do note that this list is not comprehensive. There are other functions available on the Mobius Modeller.
Function | Description | Example |
Range(start, end, step?) | Returns a list of numbers from a specified range, with a constant increment between them. | Range(0, 10, 2) gives [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] |
len(list) | Number of items in the list. | New_list = [0, 1, 2] len(New_list) = 3 |
listCount(list, value) | Number of times the item appears in the list. | New_list = [0, 2, 2] listCount(New_list, 2) = 2 |
listJoin(list1, list2) | Joins two lists into a single list. | List1 = [0, 1, 2] List2 = [0, 2, 3] listJoin(List1, List2) = [[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]] |
listFlat(list, depth) | Creates a new list by flattening a list into a list of specified depth. | New_list = [[0, 2, 3], [0, 2, 4, 6]] listFlat((New_list),1) = [ 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 4, 6] |
Below is a list of notable functions in this category. Do note that this list is not comprehensive. There are other functions available on the Mobius Modeller.
Function | Description | Example |
degToRad(deg) | Converts values in degree to Radian. (Do note that functions in Mobius only accepts angle values in Radian.) | degToRad (60) = PI / 3 (numerical value) |
Below is a list of notable functions in this category. Do note that this list is not comprehensive. There are other functions available on the Mobius Modeller.
Function | Description |
VecAdd | Adds two vectors. |
VecMult | Multiplies a vector by a number. |
VecAng | Calculates the angle (0 to PI) between two vectors. |
VecCross | Cross product of two vectors. |
VecFromTo | Creates a vector between two points. |
VecLength | Calculates the magnitude of a vector. |
Below is a list of notable functions in this category. Do note that this list is not comprehensive. There are other functions available on the Mobius Modeller.
Function | Description | Example |
power(numb, pow) | Returns the number to the specified power. | power(5, 2) = 25 |
round(num) | Returns the number to its nearest integer. | round(25.4) = 25 |
ceil(num) | Returns the number rounded up to its nearest integer. | ceil(28.4) = 29 |
floor(num) | Returns the number rounded down to its nearest integer. | floor(28.7) = 28 |