Procedure Line

A Procedure Line is a line of code embedded within the Procedure Space added from the Procedure Menu. It can be operated on by a set of keyboard shortcuts.

Most Procedure Lines contain a variable declaration box, one or more input boxes (also known as argument boxes if the procedure is a function, and 4 buttons, namely Help, Print, Show Geometric Entities and Disable Procedure.

A Procedure Line and its features


Clicking the help button will switch the Right Viewport to the Help Viewer.

Help Viewer


Printing a line of code allows the returns of the code to be shown in the Console.

To print a line of code, press the print button on the right hand side of each code such that the line is highlighted in green.

Print Button
Figure: Print Button
Procedure Line Highlighted in Green
Figure: Procedure Line Highlighted in Green

To see the returns on the console, press the execute button to print the line of code before clicking on the Console button to switch the Right Interface to the console.

Show Geometric Entities

Show Geometric Entities icon
Figure: Show Geometric Entities icon

After highlighting the icon on the Procedure Line, upon Execution, it helps users to identify the returns of the function in the 3D Viewer.

Execution with Show Geometric Entities off
Figure: Execution with Show Geometric Entities off
Execution with Show Geometric Entities on. The polygons returned are highlighted in blue.
Figure: Execution with Show Geometric Entities on. The polygons returned are highlighted in blue.

Disable Procedure

Disable icon
Figure: Disable icon
Procedure Line appears faded after disabling
Figure: Procedure Line appears faded after disabling

Upon Execution, it disables the Procedure Line. This feature is useful for debugging.

Table of Keyboard Shortcuts

The Procedure Lines can be operated on by a set of keyboard shortcuts.

Command Keyboard Shortcut
Windows Mac
Delete Delete or fn+Delete Delete
Copy Ctrl + C Command(⌘)+C
Cut Ctrl + X Command(⌘)+X
Paste Ctrl + V Command(⌘)+V
Undo Ctrl + Z Command(⌘)+Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z Command(⌘)+Shift+Z

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