
A collection is a list, with a depth of 1, containing points, polylines and/or polygons. It cannot contain positions. An entity can belong to multiple collections.

Description Example
Workflow of making a collection
Representation of a collection in the 3D Viewer
Representation of a collection in the Attribute Table

When clicking on the collection row, e.g co0, in the Attribute Table, the selected collection will be highlighted in blue in the 3D Viewer.

See Common Bugs and Misconceptions: Not an Entity

Modify Collection

Method 1

make.Collection function also allows users to add new entities to an existing collection (parent collection), by creating a new collection under the existing collection.

Description Example
Workflow of adding entities to a collection
Representation of the updated collection in the 3D Viewer

Method 2

Using modify.Collection users can add or remove entities from an existing collection, or add one collection to another collection (parent collection).

Description Example
Workflow of adding entities to a collection
Representation of the updated collection in the 3D Viewer
The new collection now includes the polygon (pgon) and its new extrusion (ex). Polylines are highlighted in red when selected.

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