
Import Data

To import, type the URL containing the file in quotation marks into the model_data argument box. The URL has to come from an online file sharing platforms such as Github and Dropbox.

a GI file imported into the flowchart
Figure: a GI file imported into the flowchart

Export Data

To export, fill in the filename argument box with a variable which contains the desired data for export. Upon execution, a popup will appear in the browser requesting for a location to save on the computer.

Exporting a GI file
Figure: Exporting a GI file

File Types Available for Importing and Exporting

File Type Uses
.gi Saves the Geo-Info (GI) data model, but not the procedures.
.obj Commonly used in other 3D modelling, 3D printing and simulation programs.
.dae Commonly used in other 3D modelling, 3D printing and simulation programs.
.geojson Saves the geospatial data of the flowchart.

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