Changing Index in a Parametric Model

Undesired Outcome Intended Outcome
Returns The top polygon is no longer extruded after the parameter for the number of floors is changed.

Changing Index in a Parametric Model - Bug 1 - Undesired - Return.png
The top polygon is extruded to form a roof regardless of the parameter value for the number of floors.

Changing Index in a Parametric Model - Bug 1 - Intended - Return.png
Changing Index in a Parametric Model - Bug 1 - Undesired - Procedures.png

Changing Index in a Parametric Model - Bug 1 - Intended - Procedures.png
Explanations The error occurs because ex[120] does not always refer to the top polygon in the model as this is a parametric model in which the number of polygons changes. Hence the extrusion is not created at desired polygon. The top polygon that is meant to be extruded is always the last item in the list of extruded polygons. The index of the last item in ex is ex[listLen(ex)-1].

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